
Friday, August 11, 2006

Is this a knitted bowl I see before me?

What I first thought was a knitted bowl on the cover of the new Ikea catalogue turns out to be some wicker thing; however, after going through the catalogue I found evidence of some sort of knitter-mastermind-plot to introduce knitted goods, knitted-objects-in-progress, and baskets of yarn into the decorating scheme.

Exhibit A: (page 96)

Exhibit B: (page 213)

There were a few more knitted things (or things made of yarn if not exactly knitted) in the catalogue, but I'm already feeling a bit silly for posting about this at all.

In knitting news, I'm making progress on my Trekking sock. I wanted to try a short-row heel with this sock, but then I just couldn't make myself unravel the short-row instructions and I remember just how much I love the way that little heel flap hugs my ankle. I'm afraid I was lazy, lazy.

In non-knitting news, I dyed my hair yesterday by myself with a bottle that came in a box. I decided that I'm not going to spend $1,000+/yr coloring my hair anymore, so all those expensive highlights are now brown and brown they will stay because that is a lot of money to be spending on hair when you're living off of loans! Besides, I can take the money I'm saving and maybe actually go to Europe next summer or perhaps buy more yarn.


Unknown said...

That Trekking is gorgeous stuff. There I was thinking I'd get to see some of this short row business without doing it myself.... I'll just have to do it myself! I love those flaps, too. They are so cushy on the heel.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

I also recently calculated the manicure/highlights yearly expenditures and decided that I can't afford them!!
I always wondered why Ikea didn't promote knitting storage ideas more...also, I joined the KAL, thanks for the hot tip!!

Operakatz said...

Love that Trekking. Which color is that? I noticed the IKEA knitted baskets too...didn't see them in the store the other day, but then again, I wasn't looking that hard...hmm.

Lazuli said...

Your sock is gorgeous too! I'm seeing so much bright Trekking these days! My sock thanks you for your message (as do I) :-)