When I first started my Red Robin sock, I just couldn't put it down. Perhaps I was so delighted in working with something that I made, or maybe it was the Crystal Palace dpns. I just loved making this sock.
Dance Dance Revolution Socks
I made the cuff of the Red Robin sock, and then I forced myself to finish my "Dance Dance Revolution" socks for March's Socktopia.
Here are the specs for these socks:
Yarn: Yarn Pirate's "Culture Club"
Pattern: Modified version of the RPM Socks
Two inch cuff over 64 stitches on size 0 dpns.
RMP pattern for 3.5 inches on the leg over 63 inches
Switch to stockinette for 1.5 inches
Heel flap and gusset, decreasing to 64 stitches
The heels and toes are made of good ole Opal black sock yarn. The record is actually a classical recording that I found on the curb one garbage day.
A Square & an Afghan
I continue to be amazed by how generous knitters are. Larissa of Stitch Marker made this beautiful square using her leftover Socks that Rock yarn. I haven't ever seen this yarn in the flesh, so to speak, so it was a real treat to get some eye candy. It's such a beautiful square, Larissa, and I know it was hard for you to give up. Thank you so much. It's gorgeous!
Leslie of The Silver Fork Saga sent in an beautiful afghan. Wow! I'm amazed at her crochet skills and her ability to make something like this. Leslie made this afghan in memory of her grandfather, Aubrey Vernon. In addition to sending in the afghan, she also sent me a bag of chocolate (!) and a prize contribution, which is the sock yarn you're seeing in the picture. Thank you so much, Leslie. You are so thoughtful!
A Lovely Surprise
My doorbell rang this week. I got a package with this sweet, little card:
In case the photo is blurry, the note says, "Jenny, Congratulations on the successful launch of Woolly Boully. Enjoy the bag. I thought it would go nicely with your Neapolitan yarn! Love, Mom J."
The package contained the best tote ever! I got a Lexie Barnes Mezzo tote in Bubblegum. I've already loaded it up. Thanks so much, Mom J! I love how the tote's straps are non-slip. I mean, they really don't slip. With so much pockets and a magnetic closure, this tote makes for a great knitting bag and purse. I love it.
p.s. Thanks, ADD Knitter, for pointing out that I forgot to post the picture of the bag! Oops!
Your socks are stunning, as usual...we want to see your tote, so post a pic, ok?
I also really like Crstal Palace dpns, even though I am on a major two crics kick...
Awesome socks! I love the Red Robins! I've just placed an order on your etsy shop and have sent an email (and left a comment) regarding payment...I'm new to etsy so I wasn't sure how I was supposed to contact you, lol.
Mom J has great taste--I love your new bag! I just sanded my pair of handmade dpn size 3--although I think I need a finer sandpaper--and used them to finish another square for you! I'm on the verge of sockmaking, so I should probably get a smaller pair, especially if I want to use some of your Etsy yarn to make said socks. I'm so glad you like the red in your socks--they're beautiful!
Love the DDR socks! The colors also remind me of neon lettering in 1950s sock hop halls.
How did I miss this post?? The RPM socks are killer--Yarn Pirate sock yarn is my latest obsession. Love that stuff! And SO! CUTE! The Red Robin socks, that is. So glad I have a skein of that sitting in my stash now! How many stitches did you cast on for your sock? And what size DPNs? I love how yours turned out.
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